Short Film: HOME SUITE HOME by Jeroen Houben


A title that is a pun is supposed to be a warning, but I’m a sucker for a pun, so Home Suite Home caught my attention early. Also, based video’s still image, I thought for a moment that the lead actor of this short film was Brian Cox, which I thought was kind of weird, so I clicked on the video and found myself immediately drawn in.

It’s a small slice of life story about a hotel inspector named Ludwig passing through Paris. I suppose I have a small bias here. I spent a couple of years travelling quite a bit for work, though certainly not to any places quite so lovely or far away as Paris. Part of me misses being out of town so often, living in hotels and temporarily befriending strangers, even though at the time I frequently found myself missing home. I don’t think of myself at all as a person who just can’t be happy being where they are, but my alternating wanderlust and homesickness perhaps belies my self-assessment.

Anyway, enough about me, this is a great short film. Amusing and charming, a little romantic, a little melancholic, and a little bit buoyant. It’s the kind of short film that you might watch and think at the end, “You know, I needed that today.”

Home Suite Home is presented by NOWNESS, “a global video channel screening the best in culture”. I used the Vimeo video here because it’s just more compatible with the BNC site, but the Nowness site has its own world of short cinematic stories worth exploring.

J. Compton is an author whose stories have appeared in Pseudopod, Arkham Tales, Fantasy Scroll Magazine and other publications. As co-host of the BNC he hopes you enjoy the site and only asks that you please remember to use coasters.