DARK SOULS III Launch Trailer


The Dark Souls video game franchise has built a reputation for being beautifully dark, boasting dense mythology and an incredible gameplay difficulty. The kind of density and difficulty that separates “gamers” from people who also want to buy groceries, do laundry, go to the park, get some new shoes, finally go to that bar your coworkers keep inviting you to, or generally do other shit during the week.

While I can’t claim any firsthand knowledge of the game’s difficulty, I can say that it looks magnificently macabre. The lead character is an undead knight who, by my count based on the trailer, has to do battle with at least one giant spidery abomination, one giant crab abomination, a giant living tree abomination, a giant undead king who I presume is abominable, and assorted other abominii that a short description will do no justice.

“You’ll face death,” one character warns our hero. “Enough death to leave you broken.”

“…but not enough death to leave me dead?”

“Oh yes, that too.”

“Ah. Well. Damn it, then.”

Dark Souls III is available now.

J. Compton is an author whose stories have appeared in Pseudopod, Arkham Tales, Fantasy Scroll Magazine and other publications. As co-host of the BNC he hopes you enjoy the site and only asks that you please remember to use coasters.