20 Years of Summer: 1997: THE LOST WORLD Loses to MEN...
20 Years of Summer is a series covering summer blockbusters year by year from 1996--the year that Independence Day turned special effects spectacle into...
Stephen Lang is an underrated treasure. After his turn in Avatar I expected him to be on deck for some bigger and better things than a...
20 Years of Summer: 1996 – INDEPENDENCE DAY and TWISTER
20 Years of Summer is a series covering summer blockbusters year by year, from 1996--the year that Independence Day turned special effects spectacle into...
If anyone was concerned that the Assassin's Creed movie wouldn't at least look like it was being faithful to the source material, they can put...
MondoTees Posters for SCREAM, THE CONJURING and More
Today, MondoTees.com is releasing their remaining assortment of horror movie posters and pins from April's Texas Frightmare Weekend. Included in the mix is a Lichtenstein-esque pop...
Park Chan-Wook’s THE HANDMAIDEN Trailer
Park Chan-wook directed Oldboy, Sympathy for Lady Vengeance and Sympathy for Mister Vengeance, meaning he'd have to make about 40 terrible movies in a row in order for...
Alden Ehrenreich is the new Han Solo
If you don't know who Alden Ehrenreich is, or how to pronounce his name, you are certainly not alone, but the actor who has...
New Alicia Keys “IN COMMON”
Alicia Keys has been off the scene for a few years, so maybe that sets the bar impossibly high for her return. The track...
Movies centering on a man or woman alone in outer space are somewhat trendy these days, given the immense box office success of Gravity and The Martian (you could even lump Interstellar into...
THE MAIDEN – Short Horror Film
Low on loud, predictable jump scares, high on creativity, tension and dread, dark humor, The Maiden is a short horror film that tells the story of...
As a fan of the Bourne movies, my only disappointment in seeing the return of the series titular character after a one film hiatus is...
Poster of the Day: DE PALMA
Some artists and creators become legends by producing legendary material, while some become legends by courting controversy and conversation with the works they produce,...
THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN Trailer Looks Better Than You Would Think
The Magnificent Seven is a classic, but given that it's a remake and is now 56-years-old, I don't think it's untouchable. I've also never...
Michael Kiwanuka – “Black Man in a White World”
What starts off as a sparse folk blues song of sorrow gradually grows into a soulful R&B callback to the classic sound of the 60's and 70's....