Poster of the Day: SMOKE & MIRRORS


Based on the true story of Spanish CESID agent Francisco Paesa‘s clandestine takedown of corrupt politician and embezzler Luis RoldanSmoke & Mirrors is the latest thriller from acclaimed director Alberto Rodriguez. Rodriguez’s previous film, La Isla Minima (titled Marshland in English-speaking territories), cleaned up at the Goya awards, aka the Spanish Oscars. If you haven’t seen Marshland, it’s sort of like Spain’s version of Memories of Murder, and if you haven’t seen Memories of Murder, it’s South Korea’s version of dope ass, intense dopeness.

Smoke & Mirrors is currently in post-production and has no trailer to pre-judge it by yet, but it does have a colorful-yet-noir poster that’s more than worth looking at. There’s a lot going on in this poster design-wise, and some might think it’s overdoing it, but I think it’s a pretty brilliant blend of moods; it’s bright and colorful enough to look almost festive were the inverted cityscapes and no-nonsense characters not washed out representatives of a hard-boiled crime thriller.

This is a very good poster for what I’m hoping will be an even better movie.

J. Compton is an author whose stories have appeared in Pseudopod, Arkham Tales, Fantasy Scroll Magazine and other publications. As co-host of the BNC he hopes you enjoy the site and only asks that you please remember to use coasters.